Services für Arbeitgeber
Für Unternehmen gibt es mehrere Angebote mit einem hohen Maß an Service. Service: Stellenangebote und Praktika, Vorauswahlen, Rekrutierungen Vollzeit, Freelance und Überbrückung, Job- und Rekrutierungstage. Bei 88JOBS, können Personalvermittler sicher sein, dass sie die größte Gemeinschaft von Bewerbern ansprechen. zweisprachigen Chinesisch-Mandarin-Sprechern. Sie werden keinen besseren Ort, kein besseres Stellenportal oder Jobbörse
Die Palette der Personalvermittlungsdienste ist umfassend und reicht von der Schaltung von Anzeigen von zweisprachigen Stellenangeboten in Chinesisch und Mandarin bis hin zu einem Jagdservice durch eine Personalvermittlungsagentur. oder der Teilnahme an einer Personalvermittlungsmesse mit anderen Personalvermittlern. von zweisprachigen Chinesisch-Mandarin-Sprechern.
Klassische Anzeige
Reach a targeted audience
- A job offer CDI, CDD on the 88JOBS website during 30 days : with a guarantee to receive at least 10 applications. Ads are renewed free of charge until this minimum is reached
188€ ohne Umsatzsteuer
Ausschreibung Praktikum
en : Reach a targeted audience
- An internship offer on the 88JOBS website for 30 days, with a guarantee of receiving at least 10 applications. Ads are renewed free of charge until this minimum is reached
88€ ohne Umsatzsteuer
Abonnement für 6 Monate
Reach a targeted audience
- A job or internship offer on the 88JOBS site for 6 month
- Job offer modifiable at any time
900€ ohne Umsatzsteuer
1 Jahr Abonnement
Reach a targeted audience
- A job or internship offer on the 88JOBS site for 1 year
- Job offer modifiable at any time
1 200€ ohne Umsatzsteuer
Auswahl 3
Recruit in a hurry
- Dedicated to «non-executive» profiles with an annual salary of less than 30k €
- Express deadline of 2 to 10 days
- Framing call and definition of 20 selection criteria, formalized in writing
- Search in the 88JOBS pool
- Presentation of a short list of 3 selected trilingual candidates
- Appointment n°1 with you and your managers
2,500 € to 3,300 € for 3 to 4 profiles
Rekrutierung zum Erfolg
Pay only if you recruit
- Dedicated to middle management to executive profiles, with an annual salary of between 30k € and 300k €
- Standard replacement guarantee
- Framing call and definition of 20 selection criteria
- Search in the 88JOBS pool
- Presentation of the selected and interested profiles with CV and consultant's report
- First meeting with you and your managers
- Accompaniment until the signature of the contract with the candidate
20% to 25%* of the gross annual salary
Fees from 20 to 25% with split payment, with or without exclusivity, and guarantee between 2 and 6 months
Recruit in volume
- 88JOBS organizes a turnkey recruitment event, with dozens of selected candidates, with or without assessment.
- These recruitment days gather from 20 to 1000 candidates during one day or during periodic recruitment sessions.
- Option: Provision of room and catering
From 1 800€ per recruitment
Interim und freiberuflich
Carry out your temporary missions
- 88JOBS searches and selects quickly, in its database of 400 consultants, the qualified expert for a temporary mission
- Organization and provision
- Administrative management of the mission
- Service contract carried out by an independent consultant selected and invoiced by 88JOBS
200€ to 1 000€ per day